Moreover, Google Music has come up with another type of playlist which is known as Auto playlist and this playlist require less involvement of users.
If you’re downloading from an artist it organised them into artist and album sub-folders, but playlists all get chucked in one folder. Creating manual playlists may seem a little outdated, but thumbs up playlists of Google is a next level, high end playlist like smarter playlists on Spotify. On my Mac it makes a folder in the User/Music folder, so I assume if Windows still has My Music or whatever that’s where it’ll put it. There’s no ads or spam in the app either, just a textbox for pasting the link, you hit enter and then below it shows you the progress. I swear I’m not affiliated, I just spent a long time researching these apps and they were all paid garbage that required your spotify login, this was the only free one that didn’t and is definitely the simplest method. It’s completely free and you can find the source on github. Current versions exist for Windows, Linux & Mac. Any valid link for spotify will work, either for individual songs, albums or playlists (Artist links are the only ones that don’t work), you also don’t have to make your playlist public for it to work, just copy the link. You can open previously created playlist files to edit them as well. Save the playlist file when you are satisfied. You can re-order the songs using drag and drop as well. Manual Mode: Drag and drop music files from windows explorer to the application window to create playlists. Music Player for Google Drive allows you to do it.
It does NOT require a spotify login so doesn’t put your account at risk. You can also see the existing playlists and delete them if you want. If you have music files on your Google Drive, you might want to play them directly without having to download them first. It does all tags perfectly (including album art), can DL from Youtube, Soundcloud and Deezer as well as Spotify. AllToMP3 is the best app I’ve found for downloading Spotify.